
Welcome to Urban Dental.

Regardless of whether it’s time for a regular check-up or you’re interested in our innovative orthodontic care, rest assured that our entire staff at Urban Dental is dedicated to making your experience as pleasant and stress-free as possible. We are a team of professionals that work passionately to provide quality service and individual attention to each and every one of our patients. Each smile is unique and requires individualized care. You can trust that our expert team can satisfy your dental needs with our wide range of dental services, treatments, and procedures.

Committed to

Electronic Dental Records
Electronic Dental Records are an integrated part of our practice management system. Our paperless system delivers electronic charting, digital imaging and enhanced case presentation where it is needed most... at chair side.
IntraOral Camera
An intraoral camera is an indispensable diagnostic and educational tool. The tiny video camera moves around inside of your mouth and generates a tooth by tooth video exam of your teeth. Using an intraoral camera allows patients to better understand their dental needs by seeing what the dentist sees and then having it explained.
Digital X-Rays
Digital X-rays offer a huge advantage in early detection and preventive services. Advanced image manipulation and analysis, for example, allows your doctor to detect early stages of gum disease through recognition of bone level changes, or by evaluating the results against a previous treatment.
Lasers are a non-surgical approach to arresting the progression of periodontal disease. Following scaling and root planing, a laser is used to significantly reduce the bacterial colonies and decontaminate the infected periodontal pocket. Lasers also remove the infected tissue lining the periodontal pocket. As the infected tissue is removed, microscopic blood clots form and your body's natural healing response takes over. As you heal, the tissue reattaches to the bone and your gums return to a healthy infection-free state.

Why Choose
Urban Dental

Our Atmosphere
At Urban Dental, we designed our office with our patients in mind. By combining a calm atmosphere with the latest technology and comforting amenities, we have created a place where our patients receive the level of dental care they need and deserve.
Our Team
Your smile is in good hands! The dentists, hygienists, and technicians here at Urban Dental have the education and experience to meet all your oral health needs.
Our Philosophy
Because oral health is integral to overall health, we strive to provide comprehensive, lifetime care to all our patients. We will work with you to develop a treatment plan that meets your immediate needs and establish preventative dental care that ensures your smile will last a lifetime!
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0302-984-164 || 0548066026
Pobiman Tollbooth Accra
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